Iced Dalgona Coffee
Treat a friend to a glass of this indulgent iced coffee - topped with the rich and sweet coffee foam. Take a moment to enjoy a glass of this in the sunshine.

Nescafe Azera or Gold Blend
Boiling water
Large handful ice
Carnation Evaporated Milk, preferably chilled
iced water
Step 1 of 3
Place the coffee, sugar and boiling water in a small bowl and beat with an electric mixer until whipped into a thick and creamy mousse.
Step 2 of 3
Divide the ice between two glasses. Pour over the evaporated milk and top up with the chilled water, stir gently and then top with the coffee mousse.
Step 3 of 3
Serve with a spoon!
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Iced Dalgona Coffee
Prep: 10 mins
Super Easy

Nescafe Azera or Gold Blend
2tbspBoiling water
2tbspLarge handful ice
Carnation Evaporated Milk, preferably chilled
200mliced water
200ml -
Step 1 of 3
Place the coffee, sugar and boiling water in a small bowl and beat with an electric mixer until whipped into a thick and creamy mousse.
Step 2 of 3
Divide the ice between two glasses. Pour over the evaporated milk and top up with the chilled water, stir gently and then top with the coffee mousse.
Step 3 of 3
Serve with a spoon!